Casa Elisa is our home, not a rental property. Please feel free to use what you need,
but we kindly request that you replace whatever you use before you leave. Enjoy!
Casa Elisa Essentials

Designed to be downloaded
to your mobile devices,
this PDF gives you the essentials.

Main Lights
Casa Elisa is controlled with this key fob.
All lights can be turned on manually,
but the fob adds convenience.
On the fob, numbers relate to lights as follows:
8 - COURTYARD HALLWAY led lights
Hot Water Heater Unit
Located in the courtyard just outside the door into the main part of the house. It is on the wall and under a brown wooden shelter. When the top of the switch is pushed in, the heater is off. Make sure the bottom of the switch is pushed in for the heater to work. As you use hot water, the heater makes it.

Kitchen Cooktop
The gas line to the cooktop may or may not be turned on. To turn on, make sure the valve underneath the kitchen sink is on (picture). The little handles on the valve should be pointing to the 3 and 9 o'clock position. When you leave the house at the end of your stay, please turn the gas valve off (picture) so valves point to 12 and 6 o'clock position.

From time to time, water may be slow to drain in the master bedroom bathroom. This is usually indicative of a clogged drain and is easily remedied. Remove the drain cover. (A pair of pliers from the toolbox in a cube in the livingroom will easily remove it). Remove any content that may be clogging the drainage pipe, replace the cover, return the pliers, and bathe in comfort once again! The kitchen sink, like most sinks in Europe, does not have a waste disposal. Please do not let leftover food or scraps go down the sink drain. A clogged sink pipe would not make your stay enjoyable!
Sound Systems
There are numerous sound systems at your disposal at Casa Elisa. The two main systems are located in the main living area and the television room. The most convenient system to use is in the living room. Looking at the wall cube unit, on the far left is a cable with a green tip. This should fit into any computer or smartphone. If the system does not work when music is played, make sure the subwoofer below is plugged in and turned on. The on / off switch to the subwoofer is facing the wall. This can be left on during your stay. An outlet nearby can charge your phone during operation. A Bose Soundlink unit can also be found in the living room. This can be connected to your device with either bluetooth or the nearby cable. This portable unit is great for outside. Please be respectful of our neighbors.
Hair Dryer / Iron
The house is equipped with hair dryers in each bathroom as well as a clothes iron, located in the hallway closet in the main house by the master bathroom. The ironing board is between the fridge and the wall in the kitchen.
Circuit Breakers / Flash Lights
At some point, you may need some light. Each bedroom and living room has a small led flashlight. Please be aware of their location. Sometimes, if many big appliances are going at the same time, a circuit breaker may flip. This is an easy fix. There are 3 circuit breaker boxes in the house. Guest room, kitchen and in the hallway from kitchen door to outside main street. (This one in a small 'closet' on the wall). Find the breaker that has flipped and reset it.
In a bottom drawer in the kitchen are spare plastic garbage bags. When garbage needs to be removed from the house, the town garbage collection area is just outside the Porta Nuova (the main town entrance arched gate in the townsquare) and down the steps to the right. You will see numerous dumpsters.
Casa Elisa is equipped with wifi in both the main house and guest rooms. In the living room, connect to Telecom Italia and enter the code VisitCasaElisa!1 In the guest rooms you will find a white netgear wifi range extender. If not already, plug it in to a power strip or wall. Once all lights light up, connect your device to the Netgear Wifi signal. Should there be issues with the wifi in Casa Elisa, almost all restaurants and enotecas in town have wifi.
Parking along the town wall (Via dei Canneti) is not advised. Though it seems to be a perfect place to park, there are many regulations to park here legally and, due to weekly markets, times where you cannot park at all.You are advised to park on Via Nuova, and it's no more than a two minute walk to the Casa Elisa.There are no regulations on this street and you can park free anytime of the day or night.
Appliance Information
We've included all user manuals to acquaint you with Casa Elisa's systems and appliances.
There are 3 sources of content:
1. SkyTV
2. FireStick
3. DVD
An Italian cable company. You will find sports, information and movies. It is beyond difficult to navigate SkyTV's menus and guide. Please don't purchase on-demand content!
To turn on the TV
Using the remote labeled TV, press the 'TV' source button (top left), then press the power button.
(Top right)
To turn on audio
Press the 'DVD' button and then press the power button. (DVD player and audio amplifier are one unit)
On top right of the DVD player, a readout let’s you know which audio input is being used. 'Input' button at the bottom left of the remote scrolls through the various inputs.
‘Aux 1' is audio for SkyTV and FireStick. When DVD is played, audio automatically switches to DVD. If returning to other content from DVD be sure to change audio source back to ‘AUX 1’.
To watch TV
Press the 'TV' button then the 'List' button. Appearing on the TV screen will be a menu of various sources. Use the arrow buttons to highlight your choice, (SkyTV, FireStick or DVD) then press 'Ok'.
Amazon FireStick
This offers you viewing through apps that have been downloaded to the FireStick, including YouTube and Netflix. Content in many of the apps may be geo-blocked. As that may imply, certain content cannot be watched in Italy.
A selection of mostly golden-age movies (40's) are stored in Ziploc bags in the wooden chest to the right of the TV.
Now press the ‘STB’ button again to set the remote to control the SkyTV set top box.
Press the power button to turn on the cable box. Use the remote to navigate SkyTV.
Screen will now go black with a white bar below. On remote, press DVD, then press 'Home'. This will bring up a blue screen with options. Highlight 'Play Disc', then 'OK'. Insert your selection into the DVD player by pressing the lit blue up arrow on the unit. (Then again to close) Title of movie should come up. Press 'OK' to watch. The remote controls DVD functions.
Amazon FireStick
Once selected, you MUST use the FireStick remote to navigate. Start this by pressing the home button.
To Cast
FireStick, Settings, Display, Enable Screen Mirroring.
Personal electronic: Cast to ‘lisa's FireStick’.
Please turn off everything when done
TV, power. DVD, power. SkyTV, power.